Worry Free Protection, Freedom, Comfortable, Breathable, Washable.
The DOGORA Medical Snuggie is Veterinarian recommended for its comfort, and freedom while leaving you Worry Free. It has been designed to be used as an alternative or companion to the cone.It gives you peace of mind after your dog or cat undergoes any abdominal surgeries such as neuters, spays and obstructions; ensuring the bandage is completely covered and the procedure heals properly. It can also be used to cover skin irritations, tumor extractions and front limb amputations.
The DOGORA Medical Snuggie slips easily over you pet’s head and front paws. Two buttons fasten the Medical Snuggie behind the tail. You can keep it buckled on when your pet is at home and roll it half way to the stomach when Nature calls. Our Snuggie preserves your dogs freedom in a safe and secure way while allowing for easy mobility and comfort for your pet in the house when eating, drinking, moving through doors or into their crate.
Make sure your dog's surgical site is completely covered and heals properly. Ask your Vet if the Snuggie is right for your pet's procedure.